

el borracho bookings is an indipendent booking agency based in Berlin, Germany. We represent bands from all over the world and book tours and shows in Europe, the UK and neighbouring countries.

The concept behind el borracho, since the label was born in the 90´s, has always been to cross the boundaries within genres. In the mid-1990s and towards the end of the decade, el borracho dischi was an independent label and concert promoter in Italy. el borracho bookings was born later in Berlin, from the ashes of that experience, in 2013. The particularity of the booking agency too is in its eclecticism, from alternative rock to experimentation.

In 2023 el borracho bookings has teamed up with Folk Wisdow booking agency and founded a new booking agency called Leasure And Pleasure.

Current Team
Corrado Massari CEO booking agent
Gab Acciardi booking agent
Viunca Bolacchi booking agent and logistics
Siggi Magnus Finnsson logistics
Francesca Spisto admin
Vittorio Maiullari webdesigner

We are currently looking for a booking agent. For more info please write us at info(@)


el borracho bookings

booking tour management

Weydingerstrasse 14-16
10178 BERLIN

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